Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Gaming Ain't Easy

I play about five games on my i-Pad & Android, interchangeably.  I have not been able to play them as frequently as I want to since school started.  I am having withdrawal symptoms from not playing.  I miss getting on my i-Pad and clicking away to serve food and stock clothing, as well as collect my finished inventory.  I’m supposed to gift every day, too.  Forget about tipping and liking items in other people’s stores.

I can play on the weekends, but that makes the game play hard because there are timed events, and I end up missing out some goodies.  That is bugging me to no end.

I will be so glad when I adjust to my new schedule for this semester.  Funny thing is, by the time I adjust to this schedule, it will be time to make and adjust to a new one.  UGH!

P.S.  I need a tissue.  My nose is runny. (Yes, totally unrelated, but I felt the need to share.)

Saturday, September 3, 2016

As Week 2 Ends... Week 1 Begins with a Bug

It’s so crazy.  As I finished Week 1 for five classes, I started Week 1 for the sixth class.  That class was crazy.  It had to be because I needed a story to tell.

I’m going good, and on a roll teaching the class, and then I see a bug come out of the projector.  I react because it looks like a wasp.  I’m allergic to bees and wasps.  I carry an Epi-Pen just to be safe.  I make a comment, yes, a bad move on my part, but I got scared.

I tell the class, “Uhh, there’s a bug in the projector.  I’m nervous because I’m allergic to bees.”

I’m really thinking, “If this thing stings me, and I go out, somebody reach in my purse and get my Epi-Pen so I don’t pass out.”

They look at the projector, and then we go back to working.  I check the projector a couple of times, but the bug disappears.

After about 15 minutes, the bug decides to leave the projector and fly around the room.  I hear all kinds of screams, from both the girls and guys.  I’m trying to be calm because I don’t want to get stung or bit.  The bug flies close to a couple of people’s heads, they wave it off as they do a matrix movie move to avoid the bees.  I try to get them to calm down so they don’t rile the bug up.  It flies back into the projector.

I shake my head, then say, “I don’t want to have to dismiss class, but if that bug keeps flying around, I may have to.”  They laugh and say various comments.

I try to restart teaching, but about three minutes later, the bug flies around the room.  The scene is the same, people screaming, people ducking, and people moving.  The bug flies back into the projector.

A female voice says, “Can we just leave, please?”

I shake my head and try to regain control… BUT NO!

The bug flies out again.  This time, I think it flew by everyone’s head.  One of the female students swats it with of all things, the syllabus for the class.

The bug falls to the floor, and someone screams… “She got it!”  I ask, “Where did it go?”

Three or four people point to one of the female student’s back, causing that student to jump from her seat.  I’m standing at the front of the room willing myself not to make the scratchy throat noise I usually make when I have an allergy attack.

I’m screaming to myself… “Don’t you dare do it!”

My ears are itching, and I’m shaking my head rapidly hoping it will help alleviate the allergy pain I am having, but nope.  It’s not working.

So, I’m standing there trying to control the class, keep from grossing the students out with my scratchy throat noise, while trying to figure out where a bug went.

The bug flies up in the air, one of the girls jump out of her and run to the back of the room.  The bug lands in her chair.  All the girls in the two rows next to where the bug is have jumped up out of their seats.  The guys, they are all sitting in their seats.  I shake my head, take off my shoe, and smash the bug with my shoe.  The bug falls off the chair onto the floor.  He moves a couple of times.

One of the girls screams, “Oh my god, he’s still alive!”

I shake my head.  All the girls who are standing up are looking at the bug.  Again, the guys are all sitting down in their seats.

I go to my purse, grab my body spray, and spray the bug.

I say, “He’s dead now, and the room is gonna smell pretty.”

I grab a piece of paper and pick up the dead bug.

A male voice says, “What was that you sprayed?  Air freshener?”

I say, “No, it’s body spray.”

I regain control of the class, and then go back to teaching, shaking my head inside myself the whole time.  What a way to end the first class at the sixth school!

Talk about Life Writing.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Why Did I Do That?

I decided to write an essay of the writing prompt I gave my class.  It was to introduce myself yourself as a writer.  I wrote it while the class was completing an in-class assignment.  As I was writing it, I begin to tear up because of the subject matter.  I then get upset with myself for deciding to write this essay while sitting in the room with my students.  I had to go write the quote essay instead.  Still not sure what I was thinking.

Here's the essay.  It turned out well.

Multiple Blogs...

Why in the world did I decide to have multiple blogs that I post to each week?  I think I've lost it. :)

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Preparing for Next Week

I tried some new techniques I learned this week.  I'm energized.  I'm excited about preparing for next week.

I still wish I would have been able to get more done before the semester began.

As I stated in my lectures this week from the Norton Field Guide to Writing...  "Remember that sometimes you'll encounter setbacks."

First Week of the Year Done...

The first week of school is done.  It's been interesting.  It's been fun.  It's been full.  And... I have a sore throat.  But, I'm glad to be back at work.

I have some good students.  They seem motivated so far.  For the one-minute papers I had them write at the end of class shows me that they were paying attention, and that some of what I said resonated with them.  I feel good.

I'm tired, but I feel fulfilled.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

My Tribute: Grandmama

I am an English Professor. I let my students know  that I am a writer by sharing stories with them about how I became a writer and the writing I write. One of the stories I tell is about my introduction to writing.

My grandmother has written a journal for as long as I can remember. Each time we would go visit her, I would sit at her feet and watch her journal at the end of the day. I always wondered what she was writing and she would say, “something about the day.” That is where my fascination with writing began.

This year when introducing myself to my students and from now on, it will hold a special meaning for me. I will be introducing myself to them, while I remember my grandmother’s gift to me, even more than usual.

Grandma, I wonder what you’re writing in your heavenly journal these days?
Thank you for blessing me with a special gift to share with the world. I promise to make you proud with each word I write.

Your granddaughter,

Back to Work

Well, August started off strangely.  On August 3rd @ 10:00 AM, I received a call from my brother telling me that my grandmother died at 9:30 AM.  After learning that news, I was unable to work on any school information.  I talk about my grandmother as my first writing influence, so every time I started working on my school items, I would think about her and cry.  I had to stop working for awhile.  Back working today.  It's going well.
Classes start next week! #cantwait

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Preparing for 2016-2017

I'm currently working on my classes for the upcoming school year.  I'm getting excited about what the new school year will bring for me.  I have some new ideas to institute in my classes.  I learned a lot from teaching last year.  #isgonnabeagreatyear

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Recovering from My Accident

On April 27, 2016, I was on my way to Collin College when I was in a horrible accident.  To be honest, I’m blessed to be here.  I ended up missing the end of the semester because I was in the hospital and immobile for a few weeks.  It was a hard time for me because I couldn’t do much for myself.  I had to depend on my husband who has been amazing during this entire ordeal.
I am currently mending as I go through physical therapy.  It’s been a difficult road to travel.  I’m still dealing with some issues because of the accident.
I’m sad because I was unable to accomplish any of the Summer goals I had set for myself.  However, God had other plans for me this Summer.
I am more appreciative of life after the accident, and aware that I need to take nothing for granted.

P.S.  We use our backs more than we realize.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Teaching a New Class

This semester, I will be teaching Technical Writing.  I'm excited.  I enjoy all kinds of writing, but Technical Writing is my second favorite genre of writing.  My favorite is Creative Writing.

P.S. Always be professional, you never know who's reading your work.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Welcome to my blog.  I am Deartra D. Madkins-Boone.  I am a college English professor, as well as an author. Here, you can view my adventures as an English professor.

Here, I will discuss what happens as I endeavor to encourage college students to become better writer.

I want my students to know that I am a writer and that they are being taught by a writer. I want my students to know that I struggle at times with writing and that I have had to work my way through a writing task. I want them to know that I get writer’s block, don’t feel like writing at times, and sometimes dislike the writing tasks that I have been assigned. Most importantly, I want to teach my students that they can be better writers by writing more. I feel that if your students know that you have experienced what they are experiencing, then they will believe in you more and be more willing to hear what you have to say.