Sunday, July 31, 2016

Recovering from My Accident

On April 27, 2016, I was on my way to Collin College when I was in a horrible accident.  To be honest, I’m blessed to be here.  I ended up missing the end of the semester because I was in the hospital and immobile for a few weeks.  It was a hard time for me because I couldn’t do much for myself.  I had to depend on my husband who has been amazing during this entire ordeal.
I am currently mending as I go through physical therapy.  It’s been a difficult road to travel.  I’m still dealing with some issues because of the accident.
I’m sad because I was unable to accomplish any of the Summer goals I had set for myself.  However, God had other plans for me this Summer.
I am more appreciative of life after the accident, and aware that I need to take nothing for granted.

P.S.  We use our backs more than we realize.