Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Gaming Ain't Easy

I play about five games on my i-Pad & Android, interchangeably.  I have not been able to play them as frequently as I want to since school started.  I am having withdrawal symptoms from not playing.  I miss getting on my i-Pad and clicking away to serve food and stock clothing, as well as collect my finished inventory.  I’m supposed to gift every day, too.  Forget about tipping and liking items in other people’s stores.

I can play on the weekends, but that makes the game play hard because there are timed events, and I end up missing out some goodies.  That is bugging me to no end.

I will be so glad when I adjust to my new schedule for this semester.  Funny thing is, by the time I adjust to this schedule, it will be time to make and adjust to a new one.  UGH!

P.S.  I need a tissue.  My nose is runny. (Yes, totally unrelated, but I felt the need to share.)