Thursday, August 16, 2018

Day 16: First Year Teachers

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men… Colossians 3:23

Lord we pray for first year teachers.  We ask that You give them wisdom on how to teach their classes.  Give them a heart to love each student, a mind to speak a word of encouragement to each student, a spirit to pray for their students, and the steadfastness to be an advocate for their students despite the obstacles they face.  Bring a mentor into their lives that can help them grow and develop as a teacher.  Help them with difficult parents by giving them understanding, tenderness, and determination to give the parents the best they can give them to help their child.  Lord, let the parents see that the teacher has their child’s best interest in heart, so they can work together.  Give the teachers the patience to deal with difficult students, teachers, staff, administration, and parents.  Give them a heart of love, a tongue of calming truth, a mouth of genuineness, a mind of honesty, hands of tenderness, and ears of attentiveness. Let them know when to speak, when to listen, and when to act.  Be their guide and compass as they navigate the school year.  Let their first year be a year of excellence and success.  Thank You. Amen.

Go a Step Further:
If you know any first-time teachers, speak a word of encouragement in their lives.  Also, ask if they need anything for their classroom and bless them with it.