Monday, August 13, 2018

Day 13: Twelfth Graders

He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the Lord. Psalm 40:3

Lord, we thank You for students who are completing their secondary education.  As these students begin their final year in public education, give them an excitement about accomplishing a goal that is worthy to be applauded.  Help them to put forth their best effort.  We know that seniors in high school can become complacent and lethargic from having been in school so many years.  We ask that they don’t get senioritis.  Remind their parents that they must give their seniors room to spread their wings and become adults.  Help each student with any decisions they may have to make regarding college or their future after high school.  Give them a sense of urgency when it comes to applying to college and for scholarships.  Let them not procrastinate in these matters.  Let them be able to meet all the financial demands that they will have as they graduate.  Open of the windows of heaven and let them have an abundance of scholarships and school choices.  In the end Lord, let them make the best decision possible for them.  Let them not be swayed by peer pressure and outside influences.  Let them stay on track.  Give them a year of excellence.  Thank You. Amen.

Go a Step Further:
If you know of any high school seniors, give them a hug or a word of encouragement to complete this school year.  If you are able, bless them with a small donation that can go towards something for their senior year.