Tuesday, February 19, 2019

My Favorite Week...

This is my favorite week of the semester.  We're talking about the writing process.

Week 5...

Week 5 is off to a cray start.  Woke up Monday with a nose bleed.  UGH! Allergy season has begun.

Today, it's raining.  Today is a long day, too.  I'm in a weird mood, probably because of the allergy meds.

Trying to keep my energy up as I get through this week.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Week 4 Finished

This week is done.  I'm so tired.  Next week is going to be full.  Trying to rest this weekend.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Week 2 Is Done!

I made it through week 2.  I'm still tired.  I'm adjusting to having a schedule that has me teaching all my classes on Tuesday & Thursday.

I'm never doing this again.  Uhh uhh!

Friday, January 25, 2019

Success Rules for College Classes

This Week is FINISHED! P.S. And I'm Glad...

Well…  This week has been crazy.  I’m wore down dead tired.  I ain’t even lying.  Excuse the ebonics.

All my classes are on Tuesday and Thursday.  I have four classes on those days.  There will be several days this semester where I’ll have five classes on those days.  I drive back and forth to go to three schools.

I better make sure I take my vitamins.

I enjoy ENGL1302.  I get to blog and I get to teach my students about having a growth mindset, as well as how to succeed in college.

Let’s roll… SPRING 2019!

Monday, January 21, 2019

First Week of Classes

It's the first week of classes...

Who's bright idea was it to have 5 classes all on the same night?

Pray my strength in the Lord.

P.S.  Today has me questioning all my life choices. :)

Monday, January 14, 2019

Spring 2019

Well, vacation is over.  I'm back at work.
I'm excited about Spring 2019.

My word this year is...

Everything I'm doing this year will be on purpose and for a purpose.  My goal this year is to...
Inspire, motivate, and encourage my students to become writers on PURPOSE.

I'm prepping now.  I'm teaching five classes this semester... all on campus.  Pray my strength in the Lord.