Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Revising & Editing

This is an important week for all my classes.  We are discussing Revising & Editing.  These are important parts of the Writing Process.

View my writings on The Writing Process.

Here's my thoughts on Revising and Editing...

Why is Editing and Revising so Important?

My Personal Note on the Importance of Editing & Revising http://ladyboonewrites.blogspot.com/2018/07/my-personal-note-on-importance-of.html

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Week 4: How to Make It in College

This week in 1301, we're writing a summary/response essay on Brian O'Keeny's article entitled, "How to Make It in College, Now that You're Here" (http://www.brian-t-murphy.com/documents/Okeeney.docx).

It is a great article.  I use it for my Freshman Comp 1 course to give the students advice that I think will help them.  In all honesty, I wish I had this article when I was going to college.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Week 2... Here We Go!

I met my students.  Told them about myself.  Discussed the syllabus...