Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Maymester is Over!

Maymester is over.  It was a fast way to teach students Technical Writing.  Whew!

Time for a break!

Maymester Blogging Ending

I was able to complete 7 posts.  I'm gonna do a whole semester one of these days.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Maymester Blogging Has Begun

We have begun blogging in Maymester.  I'm blogging.  Hopefully, I can make all the posts. :)
Surely, I can make these few blog posts.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Grades Posted

Grades are finally posted.


Spring 2018
is done!

Where Dey At? (Maymester 2018)

Maymester 2018 starts today.

I'm sitting in my online class.... Waiting...

I'm ready to get started.

Grades Due Today!

Grades are due today.  I'm ready to submit them, but I told the students they had until 12:00 PM to email me about their grades.

Trying to wait... I'm ready to be done with Spring 2018.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Grading Done!

At first...



I've finally finished.

Just waiting on students to verify their grades.

Submitting them on Monday.

Late Work... UGH!!!

The horror of my existence.

I wanna scream...
Please read the due date!!!

What I say...
Go ahead and turn it in.


You oughta read some of the excuses I get.


Still Grading

I'm still working on grades.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Grading Today

I'm grading today.  I'm somewhat upset because I have so much late work to grade from one class.  There were at least 15 late assignments.  UGH!

Keep on moving!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Classes are Done!

Well... All my classes are done at Richland.  (No more waking up early! YAAASSSSSSSS!!!!)

Finals for Collin are on Thursday.

Ready for a break.