Thursday, August 31, 2017

Hot Rooms

They still have me in hot rooms.  I'll have to start bringing a change of clothes. #professorproblems

Monday, August 28, 2017

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Pay Attention...

I was sending the syllabus for my Collin classes.  I forgot to attach the attachment.  That's what I get for playing Smurfs while working.


Friday, August 25, 2017

Week 1 (Richland College)

Week 1 at Richland College is over.  IT was an interesting week.

There were hot rooms, technology that wasn't working, a forgotten USB drive, and driving around.  It was a good week.

I have some good students.  It will be interesting.  Getting ready for Week 2 @ Richland.

Have a Happy Weekend.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Collin College

Getting ready to begin the Fall semester at Collin.  The Adjunct faculty meeting was good.  I didn't like the food, but the meeting was okay.

They questioned the Chief of Police of the college like crazy about Conceal and Carry.  The people who were asking all the questions seemed very nervous about the law.  Not sure how I feel.

I got to see my dean.  She's amazing.  The divisional meeting was cool.  I got a pocket size stapler set for helping out the presenter.

Ready for a Cougar Fall!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

RC Convocation 2017

We had Convocation for Richland today.  It was cool.  Made a new friend.

Now... let's get on those syllabi.

I'm teaching...
Dual Credit - 1301 (Composition)
Dual Credit - 1301 (Composition)
Technical Writing - 2311

Did you know... That a high school student taking Dual Credit classes can earn 2 years of college credits while in high school with no tuition (and book) costs.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Fall 2017

I'm ready to get going.  Fall 2017.

Richland starts before Collin.

The Thunderducks are ready to QUACK!  Here we go!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Summer II Over...

Summer II is over.  Getting ready to enter grades.

I have a short break before Fall 2017 starts.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Decided to Add as an Option

I've decided to add as an option for my 2311 class.  It's an e-portfolio platform.  I tried it before, but didn't like it, for some reason.  I'm gonna give it another try.

I like Google Sites more. :)